This is the repository of information about Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) permanent archive, which is representative of the history of sciences and health in Brazil. The research at this database presents several levels of description in the archives under the custody of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz. The collection includes institutional and personal documents, of textual, iconographic, cartographic, sound, audiovisual, micrographic, and electronic genres, covering the period from 1756 to the present day. The system used is the AtoM - Access to Memory (version 2.6.4), developed by the International Council of Archives, and adopted by Casa de Oswaldo Cruz in in accordance with national and international archival description standards.
All information and archival description are in portuguese.
This site is governed by the Open Access to Knowledge Policy, which seeks to guarantee society free, public and open access to the full content of all intellectual work produced by Fiocruz. The content of this website may be used for non-commercial purposes, respecting and reserved the moral rights of the authors.
All texts and images under the care of Casa de Oswaldo Cruz used on this site may be reproduced, as long as the source is cited: Casa de Oswaldo Cruz Collection/Fiocruz.
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